Date: Wednesday, February 12 from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
For: Answers to Questions About End of Life Issues
Where: The VIC (Vancouver Innovation Center) 18110 SE 34th Street, Vancouver WA 98683
Why: Learn about Death with Dignity, death doulas, palliative care, hospice, final disposition options, and more.
Details: Free to all members, volunteers, and guests on your mailing lists. Lunch provided. Hosted by VillagesNW.
Register Now: RSVP link,
There is plenty of parking at the Vancouver Innovation Center. Carpooling is encouraged because it will be more fun to come together as a group. For those who may want to use mass transit, Villages Clark County is recruiting drivers to shuttle from the transit centers. To arrange for a shuttle ride, contact
Directions from I-5 or I-205
Go east on WA-14 East.
Take Exit 8 from WA-14 SE 164th Ave. Turn left onto 164th Ave.
Get in the right lane on 164th. At the traffic light, turn right onto 34th Street.
Go about a half mile or so to the traffic signal at SE Hiddenbrook Drive.
Turn left and immediately turn left again onto the road that parallels 34th. Immediately turn right into the Blue Parking lot. As you face the buildings, the Vancouver Innovation Center is in the building to the far right.