Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Clark County

Help in Getting Out with New Friends

Help with Chores Around the Home


Your Gift this Holiday Season Supports Clark County Seniors Aging at Home

“As I entered my 80s and my mobility and energy have decreased,
I find myself more often the recipient of services and their provider.”

After she was widowed, Ellen moved back to Portland to be closer to family. She was the very first member of our first Portland-Vancouver area Village and proudly remains a very active member. “The more actively I participate, the more I get out of my membership,” she says.

“The genius of the Village is we can contribute according to our abilities and receive from it according to our needs. These days I like to think of myself as the Village Cheerleader.” Cheer on, Ellen!

Our senior population is growing. In just 5 years, 20% of the population will be over 65. And 80% of us want to age in place.  Your donation to Villages Clark County will help elders like Ellen realize their wish to remain in their chosen homes and communities.

It’s easy to donate online at: Villages Clark County Website.  We also accept checks. Make your check out to “Villages NW fbo Villages Clark County” and mail it to Villages Clark County, 10013 NE Hazel Dell Ave – #129, Vancouver, WA 98665

If you need to take a required minimum distribution from your IRA before the end of the year, you can reduce the taxable portion of your distribution by having your financial advisor send your contribution directly to Villages NW fbo Villages Clark County, PO Box 33642, Portland OR 97292. For information on how to make this type of gift, contact or call 503-515-1948.


Helping the Aging Stay in Their Own Homes and Connect to Community

Villages Clark County is a grassroots organization of members and volunteers who believe in the power of community, working together to enhance members’ lives through

– personal connections,
– educational and social programs,
– volunteer services,
– and referrals,

so they can lead engaged, healthy lives.

Villages Clark County is part of a sweeping national grassroots movement across the US with more than 40,000 seniors in 200 Villages getting the help and support they need to stay in their own homes ( These Villages have proven over the last 16 years that this is a better and much needed way to address the needs of seniors so they can stay safely in their homes.